For many of us, safety is our main priority when we choose a house. After all, we do not want to be worried about people breaking in. There is a lot that goes into deciding if a house is safe or not such as the security features it has, the neighborhood it is in, and more. However, there is one aspect that usually goes ignored and that is landscaping. Your landscaping plays a huge role in the safety of your home and here are a few ways it can help you:
- Keep Your Yard Looking Great
Yes, maintaining a yard can be a hassle but it is important. Not only will it make your property look better but it can deter thieves. When potential robbers look for a target, one of the first things they look for is an unkempt yard. This is because it usually means the homeowners are not home often. Even if you do not have the time to maintain your yard, we can assist you through our superb services on tree removal and landscaping in Tulsa, Oklahoma.
- Keep Your Hedges Short
Hedges are a great form of privacy but if you have them in your front yard, it is important to keep them at a height of two feet. Plants that are taller than this can be used by potential thieves to sneak up to your property without being noticed. It is also a good idea to keep tall plants away from the walls of your home because thieves can use this to climb up onto the second floor of your home, where windows may not be locked. If you have too many trees or hedges, you can use our tree removal service to solve your problem.
- Barrier Shrubs
If you prefer to have shrubs or hedges instead of an actual fence or if you would like to make your fence look better, you may want to consider barrier shrubs. These are plants that have thorns or sharp leaves. It is almost like a natural barbed wire fence that looks great and keeps you safe. Our tree service in Broken Arrow, Oklahoma can help you out with this.
Safety is extremely important especially nowadays. And with smart landscaping options, it is possible to keep your property secure and safe. AJ Tree Service can also help you out every step of the way. We also provide a variety of other services at your disposal. Give us a call today if you want to learn more about how we can help you and please share this article to friends and family.