Seeing flowers of various vibrant colors, lush green grass as they tickle our toes, and smell the sweet scent of shrubs is a feast for our eyes and it gives us such a wonderful feeling. Appreciating these beauties and fragrances is among the easiest and the most delightful things to do. These are some of the nice things that well-maintained lawns and landscapes can give us. But the real value of well-managed landscapes, such as those done by professionals providing tree service in Broken Arrow, Oklahoma is much bigger than these as they can provide us amazing benefits as well as to the environment. Read on to know some of the significant advantages of landscapes.
- Natural coolants
The grass is way much cooler compared to cement or asphalt. It functions as an “air conditioner” in the area. As a matter of fact, compared to asphalt, it’s possible for lawns to be 31 degrees cooler and 20 degrees cooler compared to bare soil. And those trees that shade homes minimize temperatures in the attic to a maximum of 40 degrees. - Cleans the environment
Grass is considered an environmental cleaner as they play an important role in capturing pollutants such as dust, smoke particles, etc. They produce oxygen as well. - Protects water
Well-maintained lawns like the work of those companies offering landscaping and tree removal service serve as filters when they absorb unhealthy runoff that may mix into bodies of water. - Cleans air
Grasses play an essential part in purifying the air as they absorb carbon dioxide and change it into simpler forms which are oxygen and carbon. As a matter of fact, a lawn measuring 50’x50’ produces an ample amount of oxygen for a family with four members. - Minimizes noise
Noise pollution is greatly reduced by lawns and plants. Noise levels can be minimized from 20 to 30% on hard surfaces such as concrete and pavement.
At AJ Tree Service, you can avail of the services of our highly skilled professionals to keep and manage your landscapes and lawns. Feel free to contact our tree removal and landscaping in Tulsa, Oklahoma.